East Greenland was in FoxTv yesterday, Scott Sabol had seen some of my pictures on www.wunderground.com He contacted me and asked for permission to use my pictures in his Morning Show.
Sus. Jeg lavede en fejl på min blog så din komentar forsvandt. SORRY....ha en dejlig helg, fra Carl m. famillie
Kuummiut... Photos... News about life in a settlement ..Kuummiut... On the east coast of Greenland...
Saturday, May 31, 2008
East Greenland in Fox News
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Look At Us, Carl

It's Getting Better Every day
Friday, May 23, 2008
Oh, What a Beautiful Morning

Wednesday, May 21, 2008
The Never Ending Story
Monday, May 19, 2008
Week End
Now, a great deal of the planning in school is finished. In a month

The dinkyes are lying on the ice

A litlebit of Kuummiut. Viuw from
Andas house. People ask me: How do you manage the dark winter?
The winterdays up here are very
Light because of the snow.... winters in Europe are much more dark I think.

Sun rise at 2:45 AM
Sunset at 10:11 PM
Today Sunday
Thursday, May 15, 2008
The Fog Disperse

Now we are planing next year in school. So there are a lot to do.
Next month we are traveling to Denmark...We've got the tickets. We'll stay in Denmark for one month. I will like to buy a speedboat in Denmark. We need the boat, It's like a car in western countries. Here in Greenland there are no roads between the citys.
The fog have filled our little setlement the last week. But yesterday it dispersed...Nice to see the sun again...Her are some photos from the last couple of days.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Dog Sledging on Ammassalik Fjord
I dag har vi haft et fantastisk smukt vejr. Så vi tog på fjorden kl 10 med slæde, fiskegrej og madpakker. Her sidder vi og nyder solen Ida fotograferer.
Today the weather have been very nice sunshine all the day. It was very hot. We had to have shirts on because of the strong sunlight. Our daughter Ida is the photographer.
Vi fiskede småfisk (ulke), gennem små huller i isen. Fangede kun fem. Men nød det gode vejr, og det smukke landskab.
We found some holes in the ice and caught small fish (only five). But we enjoyed the sunshine and the beautiful landscape.
Her sidder Ida model på vores lille slæde. Ida likes to be model.
På hjemvejen mødte vi Margit og Lars som havde været længere inde i fjorden. Ida og min kone fik et lift hjem til Kuummiut.
On our way home we met Margit and Lars. We got a lift home to Kuummiut.
Ida syntes det var rigtigt fedt at køre hundeslæde. Slæde: large og small
Ida enjoyed the sledgeride, my wife, too. Sledge: large and small
More about dog sleding look at: www.eastgreenland.com
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Life is good- take care of it. Livet er godt- vær god ved det
og hellestoppet
field and hellistop
the other side of a little strait.
oppe ved Tuno. Under disse
fjelde er der et godt fiskested
for torsk
the mountains of Tuno. There are
a good fishingplace for cod up there.
Slædehundene slapper af. En har fundet en god plads på taget
Fik 1time og 30 minutters gåtur, i sådan et område, er ligesom at få en humørlynopladning.
After 1 and 1/2 hours walking..I feel good in body and mindSpring we've found the bench
Så dukkede bænken frem af sneen