Nearly the same view from my house. The one with the packice is from August 2005...The other one is from August 2008....This year we don't have packice.....Some years the Ammassalik Fjord is completly

Kuummiut... Photos... News about life in a settlement ..Kuummiut... On the east coast of Greenland...
Yesterday Iwas on the Fjord...There were 4 big FinnWhales near my boat...I had only my pocketcamara, but I've got som small videos..Sorry the quality is'nt the best...
Theese big whales..up to 70 tons and 27 meters are often seen in the Fjord in August and September...A sight which always gives me a big impression...Some times a litle scarriing, in my litle boat...Kuummiut a good place for Whale Watching..
It wasn't posible for me to upload photos today. Instead I'll show you one of my photostories. Filmed in Kuummiut August 2005
This video is filmed in west Greenland. It shows the power, when an iceberg turn around.
Here in Kuummiut we are a litle bit nervous, when an icberg comes near to the harbour.